Complaints policy and procedure

The Heera Foundation aims to be a force for good and excellent in the way we operate. However, we recognise that from time to time we may fall short of our own or the standards of others. When these instances occur we want to be open, reflective and quick in our ability to learn and improve from these mistakes.

When we make a mistake we want and need to be informed. We will take all reasonable steps to resolve the situation, in everyone’s best interests, as efficiently as possible.

The full policy can be found here, find a simplified version below...

Complaints policy

  • Complaints can be made by individuals or organisations who feel dissatisfied with the actions of or lack of action of The Heera Foundation and those on or directly involved with its team.

  • We aim to acknowledge all complaints within 7 days and respond within 14 days. If this is not possible, after 14 days, then the complainant will be informed when we estimate the investigation will be completed and, where appropriate, the reasons for the delay.

  • Complainants who have launched a complaint and who are unsatisfied with The Heera Foundation's response to that complaint have the right to appeal. The appeals process is described in the procedure below.

  • If the complaintant harasses staff, behave abusively, or unreasonably pursue complaints, we reserve the right to withdraw or modify our complaints procedure. This includes use of discriminatory language in complaints.

  • The Heera Foundation will regularly review all complaints to identify trends and aid wider learning.

Complaints procedure

Making a complaint

  • Send an email to

  • You can either send your complaint directly to the above email or request the contact for a Trustee.

  • In your complaint, you should include

    • Name, organisation (if relevant), telephone number and/or e-mail.

    • As much information as possible, such as what happened, where, when (date/time), who was present and any action taken, and by whom.

    • What it is you felt to be unsatisfactory.

    • What you believe should be done to address your concern.

Investigation and response

  • Within 14 days you will receive either a final response addressing the complaint or a holding reply explaining when we estimate the investigation will be completed and, where appropriate, the reasons for the delay.

  • We will assess your complaint to determine the best way to deal with it and identify the issues to be investigated. An investigation will be undertaken by, where possible, someone within the organisation who is independent of the events complained about.

  • We may need to contact you during this time and your cooperation will be important in order to complete the investigation.

  • The complaint response will include the following

    • A written response describing the details of the complaint

    • Comments addressing all substantive points raised in the complaint and whether they were found to be justified or not

    • Explain the investigations undertaken to consider the complaint

    • State the findings resulting from the investigation, with clear evidence-based reasons for decisions taken

    • Explain any improvements and changes made as a result of the complaint


  • If you are dissatisfied with our response, you have 28 days to appeal the decision in writing to our email above.

  • You should be specific about why you feel this decision is wrong and the facts and information necessary to demonstrate this.

  • This will then be investigated by the Chair who will review and consider if it is appropriate for a further investigation. A decision will be made and the complaintant notified within 28 days and will be final

  • Once the internal review is complete, you will be informed what the decision is and if you are still unsatisfied, what the external appeal options are.

    • If the relates to our fundraising activities, and you are unhappy with our final response, you can refer your complaint to the Fundraising Regulator

    • If you have a serious complaint regarding another area of our work and do not feel completely satisfied by our response you can raise a complaint with the Charity Commission